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Article List

2023-10-04 Forward Keelung City Grassroots Athlete Training Center Taekwondo Regional Competition Rules (林勉豪 / 164 / Activities)
2023-10-04 Forward Seed Teacher Training and Volunteer Training for Filial Piety Education 2023 (林勉豪 / 168 / Activities)
2023-10-04 Forward Local Guardianship Program for Marine Conservation 2023 (林勉豪 / 181 / Activities)
2023-10-04 Forward Unified Invoice Promotion and 'Tax Talk Makes Sense, Podcast Show Your Skills' Call for Submissions Event 2023 (林勉豪 / 179 / Activities)
2023-10-04 General Work and Classes are Cancelled on Thursday of October 5th (謝宜珊 / 275 / Activities)
2023-10-04 Important 2023-2024 1st Parents' Committee Meeting is postponed to Oct. 12th (謝宜珊 / 203 / Activities)
2023-10-04 Forward Ranking of Competitions (陳慧娥 / 217 / Activities)
2023-10-03 Academic Registration Now! 2024 Reader Theater Priliminary contest (For IBST G5-6) (王虹晶 / 219 / Activities)
2023-09-28 Forward Miaoli Guangya Cup National Calligraphy Competition 2023-24 (林勉豪 / 208 / Activities)
2023-09-28 Forward President's Education Award Recipient Life Stories: Life Warrior Arts Award Selection Program 2023-24 (林勉豪 / 220 / Activities)
2023-09-25 Important (Updated) G1-G6 Campus Influenza Vaccine (林勉豪 / 391 / Activities)
2023-09-20 Forward Tainan city Sports Carnival 2023-24 (林勉豪 / 267 / Forward)
2023-09-20 Forward National Lantern Festival Competition 2023-24 (林勉豪 / 276 / Forward)
2023-09-20 Forward Youth and Sports Professional Olympic Experience Camp 2023-24 (林勉豪 / 253 / Forward)
2023-09-20 Forward G1-G9 Tainan Traditional Arts Competition 2023-24 (林勉豪 / 296 / Forward)
2023-09-20 Forward The 8th social innovation and entrepreneurship competition (林勉豪 / 270 / Forward)
2023-09-20 Forward Children's Rights and Children's Representatives (林勉豪 / 256 / Forward)
2023-09-20 Guidance IBST Parenting Workshop (in English) 2-4 pm on Wed of Oct. 4th, 2023 (謝宜珊 / 505 / Guidance)
2023-09-19 Forward 2023 American Mathematics Competitions (王虹晶 / 622 / Forward)
2023-09-19 Activities No After School Club on Make-up School Day, Sep 23rd, 2023 (謝宜珊 / 276 / Activities)


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