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Activities 林勉豪 - Activities | 2023-11-09 | Count: 246

Guidelines for Submissions of the Cover for the Graduation Yearbook 2023-24

Submission Eligibility: Grade 9 students (including IBST).

Submission Content: The cover of this year's graduation yearbook.

Submission Period: From now until 11:59 AM on Nov. 16, 2023.

Submission Format: Hand-drawn or electronic files are both acceptable. Please click the link to get the size.

Submission Method: Complete the registration form at For electronic submissions, please upload the files on the form. For paper submissions, place them in a folder and provide basic information, then submit the entries to Mr. Alvis.

Selection Process: The winning design will be determined through a vote by all students of G9 students (including IBST).

Prizes: The winning design will be used as the cover for this year's graduation yearbook and will receive a cover prize of NT$2,000, sponsored by a company.



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