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Forward 王虹晶 - Academic | 2023-12-27 | Count: 258

2024 年鬥 Code 少女冬令營報名資訊

  • 活動期間(Event Period): January 30 to February 3, 2024
  • 報名期間(Registration Period):非報名期間系統不會受理報名資料
    From 9:00 on December 18, 2023, to 17:00 on December 29, 2023.
    (The system will not accept registration information outside this period)
  • 報名方式:一律採 E-mail 方式報名(All registrations must be submitted via email.)
    • 報名信箱(Registration Email):
    • 報名學生資料信件主旨:[TOIREG]資訊營 2024 鬥 code 少女冬令營
      Subject of the Registration Student Information Email:
         [TOIREG] Code Battle Winter Camp 2024 for Girls
    • 請務必詳閱「鬥 code 少女冬令營報名說明檔」( Registration Instructions)
    • 鬥 code 少女營報名表(Registration Form)
    • 請注意同一個 E-mail 只能報名一位學員(Please note that each email can only register one student.)
  • 證明文件請另外 E-mail 至 TOI 辦公室信箱
    Submit required documents to the TOI office email separately.
    • 收證明文件信箱(Document Submission Email):
    • 主旨(Subject):鬥 code 少女冬令營:姓名
    • 內容(Content):報名者姓名、學校、聯絡電話( Applicant's name, school, contact phone number)
    • 附檔(Attachment):
       「資訊學科能力競賽參賽證明」(Information Science Ability Competition Participation Certificate)
      或「APCS 成績單」(APCS Transcript)
  • 鬥 code 少女冬令營簡章(Camp Brochure)
  •  活動聯絡人 Event Contact
    • 張小姐, 02-7749-6705


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