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Homework Policy

Academics / 2022-12-16 / Count: 962

Homework is an essential part of the school program.  Assignments will vary in accordance to the needs of the class and will relate to classroom instruction.  Homework assignments are intended to reinforce and extend learning initiated in the classroom, and serve as a tool for teachers to assess student understanding. Completion of routine homework can motivate students to develop good work habits, while increasing the opportunity for individual initiative and responsibility.  Homework can also stimulate creativity, critical thinking and awareness outside of the classroom.  The guidelines below indicate how students, parents, teachers and administrators work together to ensure a successful homework policy.
Homework Policy Guidelines for Students
1. Always do your best.
2. Record instructions for homework in an assignment notebook or a communication book.
3. Understand assignments clearly before leaving class
4. Take the proper materials home to complete the assignments 
5. Hand in completed assignments on time
6. Manage time accordingly for long-term assignments
7. Complete any work missed due to absence from class
8. Talk to your parents and teacher if you are having difficulty with homework
9. Homework samples and assignments of each student will be reviewed by administrators on a semester basis
Homework Policy Guidelines for Parents
1. Be familiar with the philosophy and guidelines of the  teacher’s homework policy
2. Check your child’s assignment notebook
3. Provide a time and place to do homework assignments with limited interruptions
4. Assist students in completion, but refrain from doing it for them
5. Oversee completion of long-term assignments to assist in the understanding of time management
6. Contact the teacher with questions or concerns, and  especially if your child exceeds the allotted time frame
7. Homework samples and assignments of each student will be reviewed by administrators on a semester basis
Homework Policy Guidelines for Teachers
1. Assign homework on a regular basis in keeping with the homework policy
2. Assignments may be on a daily basis or of a long-term type, such as a report
3. Students are to clearly understand all homework assignments
4. It is required that each student has an assignment book for recording homework
5. Homework may take the form of class, group, or individual assignments
6. Teachers should coordinate assignments, tests, and projects with other teachers, as appropriate, to avoid overburdening students.
7. Assignments should be discussed, checked, corrected and returned to students
8. Specific policies/practices of teachers are to be submitted to the principal and clearly communicated to students and parents
9. Teachers have the responsibility to communicate with parents of students who are falling behind in completing homework assignments
10. Homework samples and assignments of each student will be reviewed by administrators on a semester basis
Homework Policy Guidelines for Administrators
1. Include this homework policy in all teacher, parent, and student handbooks
2. Ensure that teachers communicate the homework policy to students and parents
3. Ascertain that teachers are implementing the homework policy consistently and uniformly
4. Assist teachers, when necessary, in implementing the homework policy
5. Observe use of homework during classroom visits
6. Homework samples and assignments of each student will be reviewed by administrators on a semester basis
7. Advise teachers, when necessary, on how assignments could be improved
8. Develop homework incentive programs/practices with teachers and parents to assist and enhance homework completion
Late Work Policies 
1. Students are expected to turn work in on time.
2. Students who miss school because of an excused absence, with the subject teacher’s permission, will be given the opportunity to complete comparable homework assignments and get full-credit if work is completed satisfactorily and within a reasonable amount of time.
3. If a student’s absence is unexcused, he/she will not be allowed to make up work for credit and will receive no credit for any work or tests that were missed.



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