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Article List

2024-07-15 Forward Scholarship from the Cardiac Children’s foundation (陳慧娥 / 115 / Admissions)
2024-06-27 Admission IBST 2024-2025 1st Semester Admission Acceptance Notification (陳慧娥 / 384 / Admissions)
2024-03-28 Forward Non-School-Based Experimental Education (陳慧娥 / 103 / Forward)
2024-03-06 Important National of the Interior National Immigration scholarship (陳慧娥 / 89 / Forward)
2024-02-15 Forward 2024 Harvard Prize Book Award (陳慧娥 / 115 / Forward)
2024-01-12 Admission 2023~2024 2nd Semester Acceptance List (陳慧娥 / 394 / Admissions)
2023-10-11 Forward National Taiwan University Admission Seminar (陳慧娥 / 162 / Forward)
2023-10-04 Forward Ranking of Competitions (陳慧娥 / 216 / Activities)
2023-08-17 Guidance Matriculation of Class 2023 (陳慧娥 / 1083 / Guidance)
2023-08-17 Admission 2023~2024 1st Semester 2nd Enrollment Acceptance List (陳慧娥 / 1132 / Admissions)


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