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Forward 林勉豪 - Forward | 2023-08-11 | Count: 450

Student Art Competition Implementation Plan 2023-24

1. Purpose: In order to enhance students' artistic creativity and cultivate their ability to appreciate national art, as well as to implement art education within schools.

2. Organizer: Tainan City Government Education Bureau

3. Categories:

  (1) Elementary School

       a. Painting

       b. Calligraphy

       c. Graphic Design

       d. Comic Art

       e. Ink Painting

       f. Printmaking

  (2) Junior High School and High School

       a. Western Painting

       b. Calligraphy

       c. Graphic Design

       d. Comic Art

       e. Ink Painting

       f. Printmaking

4. Deadline

    Due to the school's schedule, if you are interested, please fill in the registration form and submit your work to IBST before Sep. 23rd.

5. For further information, please refer to the attached documents.


Student Art Competition Implementation Plan

Registration Form for Junior school student

Registration Form for High school student



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