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Guidance 林娟 - Guidance | 2023-09-06 | Count: 523

Southern Taiwan University Fair will take place on September 11, 2023 at Kaohsiung Amercian School. 

**No pre-registration is required to attend.**

Please read the following message  from KAS before attending the fair.  The floor plan is also attached.


Dear all,


You are invited to the Southern Taiwan University Fair at Kaohsiung American School. Please take note of the following before you attend.

誠摯邀請您參加高雄美國學校舉辦的南台灣大學博覽會。 參加前請注意以下事項:


Each student may bring up to 2 adult family members. Adults (except for school employees) may not attend alone. If the front gate is unsure of whether an attendee is a student or an adult, the attendee may be asked to produce a student ID.

每個學生最多可攜帶 2 名成年家庭成員。 成人不得單獨參加。 如果大門警衛不確定參加者是學生與否,可能會要求參加者出示學生證。

There may be a wait to enter the campus at the gate. If it is raining, you may want to bring an umbrella.

進入校園門口可能需要排隊。 如果下雨,您可能需要帶把雨傘。

Before entry, anyone who is not a KAS student must scan the QR code at the gate and submit identifying information via our guest registration form. After registration, guards will give attendees stickers upon entry. Please wear your sticker while you are on campus.

在進學校之前,任何不是高雄美國學校的學生都必須在門口掃描 QR code ,並通過我們的訪客登記表提交身份信息。 登記後,警衛將在大門口發放活動貼紙給參加的訪客。 請在校園內期間佩戴貼紙。


Non-KAS attendees will be allowed to enter from the gate after 4:15 p.m. The fair is in the KAS Gym. Signs will direct you to the Gym. The fair starts in the Gym at 4:30 p.m.

下午 4:15 分開放校外參加者進入學校,地點在體育館。現場會有指示標誌。博覽會將於下午四點半正式開始。

Re-entry is permitted only with the sticker. Non-KAS attendees are not allowed to enter the campus after 5:15 p.m.

只有貼有貼紙才能再次進入會場。 非本校學生家長不得在下午 5:15 後進入校園。

College reps have been advised that they may leave between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. depending on the volume of students at their table. The fair will be over at 6:00 p.m. Non-KAS attendees are not permitted on campus after that time.

大學代表已被告知,他們可以在下午 5:30 至 6:00 之間離開。 主要取決於參觀學生的人數多寡。 活動將於傍晚六點結束。 六點後,非本校師生不得繼續留在校園。


KAS does not offer parking. There is limited public parking in the area, specifically a public parking lot on the west side of the Xinzhuang Road heading directly south of campus opposite Cuihua Road. However, KAS strongly recommends taking public transportation to this event.

高雄美國學校不提供停車位。 學校附近的公共停車位有限,特別是位於翠華路校園正對面的公共停車場。 不過,我們強烈建議您搭乘公共交通工具來參加本次活動。


Packaged snacks, beverages, and coffee will be available on a table next to the information desk throughout the fair.



The KAS College Counseling Office will operate an information desk next to the door at the entry to the Gym. Volunteers at the information desk will answer questions about the colleges, direct you to the campus exit point and restrooms, and keep a lost and found container.

KAS 大學諮詢辦公室將在體育館入口處的門旁設立一個服務台。 服務台的志工將回答有關大學攤位的問題,引導您前往校園出口和洗手間,並保留失物招領箱。


There are public restrooms immediately down the stairs from the Gym entrance.


If you have questions about the fair, place email Rachel Chen at

如果您有任何疑問,請發送電子郵件給 Rachel Chen



QR Code