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公告 衛生組 - 學務處 | 2020-02-21 | 點閱數: 266

ICRT News Lunchbox 1227 

You cough and sneeze when you have a cold.
1. Sneeze 打噴嚏。

Please cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze.


Cold air can make people sneeze.


2. Nose 鼻子。

The shape of her nose is beautiful!


I cansmell candy.


Gee, you must have a nose like a dog's!

3. Mouth 嘴巴。

Open your mouth, please.請張開嘴。

Danshui is at the mouth of a river in New Taipei.


4. Protect 保護

Soldiers protect our country.軍人保衛國家。

Warm clothingprotect us from the cold.溫暖衣物保護我們免於受凍。

5. Make sure 一定要。

Make sure you will be here on time.請一定要準時到這裡。

Sneeze 打噴嚏 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴巴 protect 保護 make sure 一定要

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