宣導 訪客 - 學務處 | 2015-08-29 | 點閱數: 688

「尊重他人 健康上網」(防杜網路霸凌)教育宣導短片


104 學年第 1 學期友善校園週實施計畫規定,尊重自己也尊重他人的網路素養,同時教育學生如果遭遇網路霸凌事件時,可以怎麼做:
五、尋求助:透過防制校園霸凌「多元反映管道」尋求協助,並得向 iWIN 網路內容防護機構(02)3393-1885 、 http://www.win.org.tw 或社群網站提出申訴或檢舉。
未知: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated 在檔案中的第 /home/matrix/public_html/class/libraries/vendor/xoops/xmf/src/Request.php 列 119
未知: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated 在檔案中的第 /home/matrix/public_html/class/libraries/vendor/xoops/xmf/src/Request.php 列 119
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0.000521 - SELECT sess_data, sess_ip FROM session WHERE sess_id = 'in9cjdv1btmpt8a4jk128prlj5'
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0.001194 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '21') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
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0.001070 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '0' AND `conf_catid` = '5') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
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0.000434 - SELECT * FROM modules WHERE dirname = 'tad_themes'
0.000532 - SELECT `conf_value` FROM `config` WHERE `conf_title` = '_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE'
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0.000407 - SELECT * FROM `tad_news_cate` WHERE 1 and not_news!='1' and ncsn='4' ORDER BY `sort`
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0.000414 - select * from tad_news where 1 and nsn='1250' and `ncsn` = '4' and start_day < '2024-12-16 17:43:43' and (end_day > '2024-12-16 17:43:43' or end_day='0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by always_top desc , start_day desc LIMIT 0, 1
0.000330 - SELECT `tag_sn`, `font_color`, `color`, `tag` FROM `tad_news_tags`
0.000861 - desc `tadnews_data_center` `sort`
0.000407 - select `col_sn`,`data_name`,`data_sort`, `data_value` from `tadnews_data_center` where `mid`= '21' and `col_name`='nsn' and `col_sn`='1250' order by `sort` , `data_sort`
0.005279 - select * from `tadnews_files_center` where `col_name`='nsn' and `col_sn`='1250' order by sort
0.000394 - SELECT * FROM `tad_news` WHERE `nsn` = 1250
0.000579 - SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid = '17'
0.000350 - SELECT `groupid`,`name` FROM `groups`
0.005397 - SELECT * FROM `tadnews_files_center` WHERE `col_name`='news_pic' AND `col_sn`='1250' ORDER BY `sort`
0.004986 - SELECT * FROM `tadnews_files_center` WHERE `col_name`='news_pic' AND `col_sn`='1250' ORDER BY `sort`
0.005600 - SELECT * FROM `tadnews_files_center` WHERE `col_name`='news_pic' AND `col_sn`='1250' ORDER BY `sort`
0.000516 - SELECT * FROM `tad_news` WHERE `nsn` = 1250
0.007724 - select a.nsn, a.news_title, a.start_day, a.enable_group, a.ncsn, b.enable_group from tad_news as a left join tad_news_cate as b on a.ncsn=b.ncsn where (a.start_day < '2015-08-29 10:31:21' or a.nsn < '1250') and b.not_news='0' and a.start_day < '2024-12-16 17:43:43' and (a.end_day > '2024-12-16 17:43:43' or a.end_day = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by a.start_day desc, a.nsn desc limit 0,1
0.067816 - select a.nsn, a.news_title, a.start_day, a.enable_group, a.ncsn, b.enable_group from tad_news as a left join tad_news_cate as b on a.ncsn=b.ncsn where (a.start_day > '2015-08-29 10:31:21' or a.nsn > '1250') and b.not_news='0' and a.start_day < '2024-12-16 17:43:43' and (a.end_day > '2024-12-16 17:43:43' or a.end_day = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by a.start_day , a.nsn limit 0,1
0.000774 - SELECT * FROM smiles
0.000453 - SELECT `tt_theme`,`tt_use_bootstrap`,`tt_bootstrap_color`,`tt_theme_kind` FROM `tadtools_setup` WHERE `tt_theme` = 'school2013'
0.000574 - SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM tplfile f LEFT JOIN tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (`tpl_tplset` = 'default' AND `tpl_file` = 'tadnews_index.tpl') ORDER BY tpl_refid
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