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公告 丁碧華 - 輔導室 | 2022-03-23 | 點閱數: 428

大家好!國際交流社很開心地想與大家分享一個好消息:我們有姐妹校了,對方是一間以中文為第二外文學習的雙語小學,位於美國華盛頓洲的西雅圖。學校名稱叫作景美小學(Jing Mei Elementary School)。目前,景美與新南各選出2個社群名稱,我們雙方將透過票選活動來選出我們國際交流的共同名稱。新南國小這一方邀請全校所有師生共同參與活動,我們附上這四個名稱及發想意涵,請大家看完之後,選出一個你心中的favorite!票選活動到明天(3/24)下午五點為止,一人一票喔~謝謝大票選名稱及其發想意涵如下:

A. 景南 Southern View

B. 新景 New View

發想意涵Teachers and students were trying to combine the names of our schools景美+新南

C. 四海一家 We Are the World    

發想意涵This world is composed of different people, cultures, beautiful scenery, natural resources and so on. All countries make contributions to make our world better. We hope everyone can live in a peaceful, joyful life and there will be no wars, hunger, poverty or even refugees.

D. 讓我們的世界變得不一樣Make Our World Different

發想意涵According to the goals of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We have a vision for a world free from poverty, hunger, diseases, dramatic climate changes, un-justice, wars and so on. Hope we have clean water to drink, clean energy to use, and the same opportunities to receive education. To make this dream come true, it needs everyone to make an effort and take action now. Let's work together to make a different and better world.

線上投票網址: https://forms.gle/tk3FJ7X5GkrPecQv8